Friday, December 2, 2011


Many ask why is Fotovoltaic system so expensive?I will post some of the reason why is solar energy so expensive:

A- Solar energy is expensive, which unfortunately may be the only reason why the U.S. and other major energy consuming nations have not yet made solar energy a standard in building in home design today.

Perhaps the number one thing stopping so many people from converting to solar power is the expense.

While it is still rather expensive, it is important to understand that prices have dropped over the past few years. In addition, you have to take into consideration the amount of money you will be saving on your electrical bill.

2- The silicon used to produce crystalline modules is derived from sand. It is the second most common element on earth, so why is it so expensive? The answer is that, in order to produce the photovoltaic effect, it must be purified to an extremely high degree. Such pure "semiconductor grade" silicon is very expensive to produce.

It is also in high demand in the electronics industry because it is the base material for computer chips and other devices.

3- Competition is minimal.

4- Fotovoltaic energies such as solar power are, for the most part, still more expensive than conventional energies because they have only been used on a comparatively small scale so far.

But remember, Solar power and other forms of renewable energy, and the inevitable hydrogen economy that will follow in post oil days will do many things, but only a serious, wide scale and major commitment at a society and individual level will stop global warming.

Fotovoltaic energy will help certainly, and solar power has a role to play in the solution of high cost of energy.

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